Monday, January 31, 2005

New issue for Wednesday. Online issue now.

Yes, I'm keeping to my plan to publish biweekly. No, I'm not getting enough content for my sanity. Which of course means that I was forced to choose between a sparse issue, a delayed issue, and an odd issue. I chose the last option. Hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Looking for submissions.

Just a reminder that I am looking for submissions. It can be just about anything that can be printed in four pages: a photograph, a drawing, a review of a film you recently saw, a law student's reaction to a piece of legal fiction, a humorous anecdote, a not-so-humorous anecdote, a crossword puzzle, a word find, a piece of legal fiction, a law related news item, a non-law related news item. I'm not at all married to a particular format or direction for the content, so if you have something you think would be good for the College of Law community to read, but doesn't seem to fit, drop me a line. I'm open. But I'm working with only one piece of text so far, which means extra work for me. And I'm lazy. So lazy.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Issue out.

The new issue of inter alia is, as I'm sure you have noticed, on the library door. Enjoy. And sorry about failing to correct the number mismatch in the horoscopes. I don't know what came over me.

Monday, January 17, 2005

New issue.

There should be a paper copy of inter alia in your hands on Wednesday. But if you'd like a sneak peak, feel free to peruse the PDF. If you don't have Acrobat Reader yet, you should get with the twenty-first. And quick.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Publishing schedule.

I'm currently planning on publishing every other Wednesday. Which means I need material on or before every other Monday. The first issue of the semester will likely come out on Wednesday, January 19th, 2005. So MLK is the deadline. Send everything to